Florentine vs. Venetian Cutaways: Which is Which? Understanding the basic differences between these two cutaways commonly found on acoustic guitars.Tech Talk#acoustic#beginner#californiaseries#newporter#redondo
Effects Guide: Compression DecompressedHow adding compression can take your tone to the next level.Tech Talk#beginner#intermediate#effects#tone
What Are Alnico Pickups?Learn the history and common variations of this critical pickup component.Tech Talk#electric#bass#beginner#intermediate#pickups
What Are Fender's 'Spaghetti' and 'Transition' Logos?Examining the history behind two highly recognized iterations of Fender logos through the years.Tech Talk#fenderhistory
Is Your Pick or Pickguard Real Tortoiseshell? A history of tortoiseshell and how it applies to your guitar and bass. Tech Talk#parts#accessories#electric#acoustic
Jaguar Bass Controls ExplainedThe original Jaguar Bass, introduced in 2006, had Jazz Bass feel with Jaguar-style controls.Tech Talk#jaguarbass#bass#electric